Saturday, August 21, 2010

You want to charge me HOW much for a session??

I found this article on one of my many internet snooping sessions. I think it's something anyone interested in photography should read, whether your a photographer, or looking into booking a session with a custom photographer.

There are so many photographers here in Utah that are charging $50-$100 for session fee, PLUS including the full resolution release DVD… I'm not gonna lie, I've charged that too and find myself working countless hours for pennies on the dollar asking myself why. But we've all done it.. You have to. It's good practice, good for building your portfolio etc... But I dont know of anyone that would apply for a job making .04 cents an hour, but somehow photographers are expected to. People see my prices and think I make a few hundred dollars for a couple of hours shooting. HA! I feel I should post this great article about why photographers that have spent thousands upon thousands of dollars, on training, nice equiptment, products, books, gadgets, etc. etc. etc,  buliding their business, NEED to charge what they do. Because after much as we love what we do, we need to feed our families too. Please take the time to read this.

Photography is more than a medium for factual communication of ideas. It is a creative art. -Ansel Adams

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